
In/Output stream extensions

  • A MarkSupportedInputStream the wraps an underlying InputStream, guarenteeing that mark is supported
  • Search and replace on InputStreams and OutputStreams
  • OutputStream splitting, with notion of header, record and footer and option to split on maximum number of bytes and/or records


ExplodedJarInputStream (treat a directory as a zipped JAR)

	try(JarInputStream input = ExplodedJarInputStream.jarInputStreamFrom(jarDir)) {

		Manifest manifest = input.getManifest();
		// ...


public void replaceMutlipleOccurrences() throws IOException
	byte[] in = bytes("Some sample text, sampled by some for sample's sake");

	byte[] search = bytes("sample");
	byte[] replace = bytes("example");

	try(ReplaceAllInputStream input = new ReplaceAllInputStream(search, replace, wrapInput(in))) {
		String out = readAll(input);

		assertThat(out, is(equalTo("Some example text, exampled by some for example's sake")));


public void replaceConsecutiveOccurrences() throws Exception
	byte[] out = bytes("ample samplesamplesample samples");

	byte[] search = bytes("sample");
	byte[] replace = bytes("example");

	ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	try(ReplaceAllOutputStream output = new ReplaceAllOutputStream(search, replace, baos)) {
	assertThat(text(baos.toByteArray()), is(equalTo("ample exampleexampleexample examples")));
// EARCAM_SNIPPET_BEGIN: ReplaceAllOutputStream

public void mutlipleOccurrencesWithShorterReplacementThanSearch() throws Exception
	byte[] out = bytes("ample sampled samples sampled");

	byte[] search = bytes(" sample");
	byte[] replace = new byte[0];

	ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	try(ReplaceAllOutputStream output = new ReplaceAllOutputStream(search, replace, baos)) {
	assertThat(text(baos.toByteArray()), is(equalTo("ampledsd")));

public void whenClosedThenClosesUnderlying() throws IOException
	AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
	OutputStream dummy = new OutputStream() {

		public void write(int b) throws IOException

		public void close() throws IOException
	try(ReplaceAllOutputStream output = new ReplaceAllOutputStream(new byte[1], new byte[1], dummy)) {}
	assertThat(closed.get(), is(true));



import static;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf;
import static;
class CountingOutputStreamSupplier implements Supplier<OutputStream> {

	final List<ByteArrayOutputStream> supplied = new ArrayList<>();

	public OutputStream get()
		ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
		return outputStream;

	public List<ByteArrayOutputStream> supplied()
		return supplied;

	public String toString()
				.map(b -> new String(b, UTF_8))

public void exampleSingleExactSplit() throws Exception
	byte[] head = bytes("<html><head><head><body><ul>");  // length: 28
	byte[] foot = bytes("</ul></body></html>");           // length: 19

	// listItem length: [10,12]
	// total body length for 100 listItems: 1092 = 9 * 10 + 90 * 11 + 1 * 12
	CountingOutputStreamSupplier supplier = new CountingOutputStreamSupplier();

	// expect a single file: 28 + 1092 + 19
	try(SplittableOutputStream output = splittable(supplier, head, foot).maxSize(28 + 1092 + 19).outputStream()) {

	assertThat(supplier, wroteOneToOneHundredAsListItems());
	assertThat(supplier, hasSuppliedUsedOutputStreams(1));

private Matcher<CountingOutputStreamSupplier> hasSuppliedUsedOutputStreams(int expected)
	return new TypeSafeMatcher<CountingOutputStreamSupplier>() {

		public void describeTo(Description description)

		protected boolean matchesSafely(CountingOutputStreamSupplier supplier)
			List<ByteArrayOutputStream> supplied = supplier.supplied();
			return supplied.size() == expected;


private Matcher<CountingOutputStreamSupplier> wroteOneToOneHundredAsListItems()
	return new TypeSafeMatcher<SplittableOutputStreamTest.CountingOutputStreamSupplier>() {

		public void describeTo(Description description)

		protected boolean matchesSafely(CountingOutputStreamSupplier supplier)
			String allOutput = supplier.toString();
			for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
				if(!allOutput.contains(listItem(i))) {
					return false;
			return true;

private void writeOneToOneHundredAsListItems(SplittableOutputStream output) throws IOException
	for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {

private String listItem(int i)
	return "<li>" + i + "</li>";

public void exampleTwoExactSplits() throws Exception
	byte[] head = bytes("<html><head><head><body><ul>");  // length: 28
	byte[] foot = bytes("</ul></body></html>");           // length: 19

	// listItem length: [10,12]
	// total body length for 100 listItems: 1092 = 9 * 10 + 90 * 11 + 1 * 12
	CountingOutputStreamSupplier supplier = new CountingOutputStreamSupplier();

	// expect a two files: 28 + 1092/2 + 19
	try(SplittableOutputStream output = splittable(supplier, head, foot).maxSize(28 + 1092 / 2 + 12 + 19).outputStream()) {

	assertThat(supplier, wroteOneToOneHundredAsListItems());
	assertThat(supplier, hasSuppliedUsedOutputStreams(2));

public void exampleThreeUnevenSplits() throws Exception
	byte[] head = bytes("<html><head><head><body><ul>");  // length: 28
	byte[] foot = bytes("</ul></body></html>");           // length: 19

	// listItem length: [10,12]
	// total body length for 100 listItems: 1092 = 9 * 10 + 90 * 11 + 1 * 12
	CountingOutputStreamSupplier supplier = new CountingOutputStreamSupplier();

	// expect a single file: 28 + 545 + 19
	try(SplittableOutputStream output = splittable(supplier, head, foot).maxSize(28 + 545 + 19).outputStream()) {

	assertThat(supplier, wroteOneToOneHundredAsListItems());
	assertThat(supplier, hasSuppliedUsedOutputStreams(3));

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Version: 1.2.1. Last Published: 2018-11-25.

Earcam Maven Skin.